
Enabling women to address their priority health concerns The role of community-based systems of social protection

  • Inglés
1814-795X (online)
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Resumen (inglés)

This paper provides a general overview on community-based systems of social protection and of the understanding of reproductive health care at local and international levels. It describes the findings on how women's health concerns are raised and addressed during the different stages in the process for the establishment and operation of health micro-insurance. Special emphasis is placed on women's concerns related to reproductive health care. Conclusions of the study indicate that the presence of the schemes, as well as the process of their establishment, increase interaction, mutual respect and collaboration between health providers and communities, thereby contributing to the better functioning of the health system. While recognising that more research is necessary, the analysis suggests methods for the developing community to channel support to communities. This in order to combine the significant energy and resources that they are already placing toward the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, which are aimed at improving health, empowering women and reducing poverty.

Documento de trabajo 1256 microseguro , mujeres