
Social Security Pension in Indonesia over 2003-2009: Causal Relationship Analysis

  • English
Purwoko, B.
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Summary (English)

Empirically, there was no study on social security pension in Indonesia as related to causal relationship analysis. Quantitatively, progress in social security pension should be seen from the changes in its asset. Basically, base money in circulation, government revenue and banking investment credit are defined as exogenous variables which probably need to be examined whether the variables can explain significant changes in pension asset or not. Methodology used in this study is predictive combined with quantitative research using linear regression model to analyze causal relationship while conducting statistic-test to identify how much is the significance of each variable to the contribution to changes in pension asset. The end of this study concludes that pension asset grows significantly due to the increases in base money, government revenue and banking investment credit in such a way to note that job-creation in formal sector employment is required absolutely to extend pension coverage.

Studies 1863 Indonesia