
El Salvador: Reducing inequality through universal social protection

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Résumé (anglais)

This brief presents the Universal Protection System (SPSU) introduced in 2009 in El Salvador, which seeks to ensure social protection in the areas of health, food, income security, and vocational training. This system also contributes to poverty and inequality eradication. 

Résumé (espagnol)

This brief presents the Universal Protection System (SPSU) introduced in 2009 in El Salvador, which seeks to ensure social protection in the areas of health, food, income security, and vocational training. This system also contributes to poverty and inequality eradication. 

Résumé (français)

This brief presents the Universal Protection System (SPSU) introduced in 2009 in El Salvador, which seeks to ensure social protection in the areas of health, food, income security, and vocational training. This system also contributes to poverty and inequality eradication. 


SPS brief 17294 El Salvador