
Étendre la sécurité sociale aux travailleurs des micro et petites entreprises

  • French
Ippei Tsuruga, Quynh Anh Nguyen, Alix Machiels, and Christina Behrendt (ILO Social Protection); Judith van Doorn (ILO Enterprises)
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Summary (English)

Addressing social protection deficits for workers in micro and small enterprises
Around the world, the vast majority of employees work within Microenterprises and small enterprises (MSEs). These enterprises and self-employed workers account for 70 percent of total employment, reaching up to 90 percent of total employment in some countries (ILO 2019d). For instance, in Indonesia, they represent 99 percent of all enterprises, absorbing 97 percent of the overall workforce (Torm 2019).
However, for various reasons, individuals working in MSEs tend to have less coverage by social security compared to those working in larger enterprises. That's why many of them are among the 71 percent of the global population who do not have access, or have limited access, to social protection (ILO 2021d; 2023).

Policy brief 40 income security , self-employed , employment policy , social protection floor