
Coordinating social protection and employment policies: Experiences from Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Honduras

International Labour Office (ILO)
978-92-2-127326-4 (web pdf)
xvi, 147
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Summary (English)

This document is the synthesis report of the ILO/EU project entitled "Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment", carried out in three pilot countries - Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Honduras. It describes the project design and methodology, presents the project experiences in the three countries, and provides a series of recommendations and conclusions. These include issues such as the linkages between employment and social protection from a strategic and policy-making standpoint, institutional challenges, social dialogue, funding, the rights-based approach, as well as recommendations for future technical cooperation projects.

Report 10255 Honduras , Burkina Faso , Cambodia social protection policy , education , pensions , employment policy , financing , governance , social protection floor , national strategies , unemployment , social dialogue