
Setting social security standards in a global society. An analysis of present state and practice and of future options for global social security standard setting in the International Labour Organization

Social Security Policy Briefings. Paper 2

ILO, Social Security Department
978-92-2-121157-0 (web pdf)
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Summary (English)

This technical paper outlines and analyses the present situation as regards the ratifications of ILO Conventions and the current Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All, and contains different options of improving the present situation. It delineates the possible contribution of ILO Conventions and Recommendations to the Campaign.
This document is the result of a consultative process and reflects inputs and comments from the academic world and from ILO constituents.

Related info

Other ILO Social Security Policy Briefings:

Paper 1. Social Health Protection. An ILO strategy towards universal access to health care

Paper 3. Can low-income countries afford basic social security?

Paper 4. Reunión Regional Tripartita sobre el futuro de la protección social en América Latina. Santiago, Chile, 12 al 14 de diciembre de 2007

Paper 5. Interregional Tripartite Meeting on the future of social security in Arab States. Amman, 6-8 May 2008

Paper 6. Asia-Pacific Regional High-level Meeting on socially-inclusive strategies to extend social security coverage. New Delhi, India 19-20 May 2008

Paper 7. Social Security for All. Investing in social justice and economic development

Paper 8. Social Security for All. Addressing inequities in access to health care for vulnerable groups in countries of Europe and Central Asia. Geneva, 2011

Policy Papers (ILO) 17966 social protection policy