Ensuring social security rights for migrant workers through promotion of social security agreements

Coordinating social security through bilateral or multilateral agreements has proved to be the most effective way to ensure social security rights for migrant workers. Based on the ILO support, a number of ILO member states have developed institutional capacity to negotiate, conclude and implement social security agreements with major destination countries. The number of social security agreements has increased significantly in recent years. It is required to further support these efforts, in particular in the context of post COVID-19 crisis.

The 20-minute session is structured as follows:

(1) Brief introduction - Key issues and solutions including ILO instruments (ILO moderator -  7 min)

(2) Testimony of countries -  Achieved success and lessons, and identified areas of further support (Responsible government officials e.g. Department of international relations and EU integration in Moldova, Ukraine and/or ILO National Coordinators or former project staff – 7 min)

(3) Q&A (6 min)

3576 Learning & Coordination
3572 Malawi
3573 Mozambique
3575 Viet Nam
3574 Zambia