
Developments of the Social Security System in Indonesia: Toward a Universal Health Care and extended Employment Injury, Old age and death benefits

Homepage | The Social Health Insurance | Old age benefits | Employment Injury | Death Benefits


This workspace is dedicated to the developments of the social security system in Indonesia: the Social Health Insurance implemented since January 2014 and the upcoming modifications of the sytem of employment injury, old age and death benefits. It provides regular updates regarding the schemes , but also shares relevant documentations (reports , minutes of workshops, summary of discussions ).

Structure of the workspace

The first section of the workspace gives a general overview of the social security system in Indonesia and a brief presentation of the reform undertaken with Law No.40/2004 concerning the National Security System. The following section focuses on specific guarantees and presents the recent and ongoing modifications happening. A sub section is dedicated to the National Health Insurance implemented since january 2014. Other sub sections deals with modifications which are about to happen in the areas of employment injury, Old age and death benefits.

The expected new landscape of social security programmes in Indonesia:

Key readings

  1. The law No.40/2004 concerning National Social Security System as a starting point to the reform of the system
  2. The law No. 24/2011 on Social Security Providers 
  3. The report  of the Assessment based National Dialogue conducted in 2012, during which government agencies, employers, workers and other partners set up a nationally defined Social Protection Floor 
  4. A working papar by SMERU, "Social Security Reform in Indonesia: An Analysis of the National Social Security Bill"
  5. A working paper by UNRISD, "Expanding Social Security in Indonesia, the process and challenges
General Overview
٢٧٧٩ A brief history
٢٧٨٠ The ongoing changes
Toward Universal Health Care
Work injury, Old age and Death
٢٨١٠ Old age benefits
٢٨٠٩ Work Injury insurance
٢٨١١ Death benefits