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  • imputed social insurance contributions cotizaciones imputadas al seguro social, cotisations sociales imputées

    Estimated employer contributions that reflect the value of benefits directly provided to the insured (e.g. in the case of an employer providing benefits directly). [ref. 6622]

  • inactive insured person persona asegurada inactiva, [FR: nd]

    A person who is registered under a scheme but has made no contribution during a given period. [ref. 8030]

  • income estimates recettes prévisionnelles

    Synonym: estimated revenues

  • income tested benefits prestaciones sujetas a verificación de ingresos, prestations sous conditions de revenus

    Income-tested benefits are a special case of means-tested benefit. The assessment of a claimant's needs is based on income (as opposed to assets or other ressources). [ref. 6622]

    See also: means-tested benefits

  • individual account cuenta individual, compte individuel
  • individual equivalence equivalencia individual, [FR: nd]

    A financing rule stipulating that the present value of the contributions of each indvidual contributor under a scheme should equal the present value of all expected benefits (plus administrative and other costs related to benefit payment). [ref. 8030]

  • inequality gap vacío de desigualdad, [FR: nd]

    The gap between the straight equality line and the "inequality lines" in a Lorenz curve diagram. [ref. 8030]

  • inequality target efficiency ratio ratio de eficiencia tomado como meta respecto a la desigualdad, [FR: nd]

    A ratio that expresses the degree to which a redistributive measure reduces the inequality gap. [ref. 8030]

  • informal sector sector informal, secteur informel

    Economic sector where inhabitants' socio- economic activities are not regulated and protected by formal societal institutions. In its functioning the informal sector is often closely interlinked with the formal sector.The vast majority of the world 's population is part of the informal sector. [ref. 8030]

  • initial public offering (IPO) oferta pública inicial (OPI), [FR: nd]

    First (initial) issuance of a financial instrument on the primary financial market , either by companies ( equity, debt instruments) or by the State (debt instruments). [ref. 8030]

  • insider trading negociación de personas informadas, [FR: nd]

    Any trade on formal financial markets, especially stock exchanges, triggered by actually or putatively advantageous information accessible to traders only because of their professional involvement in the functioning of the market ("floor members"and others executing the market functions).Usually strictly forbidden as much trade affects the true market price or financial assets, puts the general public trading on the market at a disadvantage , or produces other distortions undermining the business of companies and the credibility of the market. [ref. 8030]

  • insurable earnings ingresos asegurables, salaires assujettis

    The wages received for services rendered to an employer and subject to the payment of contributions to a social security scheme. They may or may not include additional irregular income components awarded to an insured person. [ref. 8030]

    See also: contribution ceilling

  • insurance assurance

    A mechanism intended to provide coverage against the financial consequences of prescribed uncertain events, by spreading the anticipated costs resulting from the occurrence of those events — also known as risks — among several persons. Insurance is based on (1) the prior payment of premiums, i.e. before the occurrence of the risks; (2) risk sharing; and (3) the notion of guarantee. The premiums paid by insured persons are pooled together and used to cover the expenses of exclusively those persons affected by the occurrence of a certain number of clearly defined risks. In exchange for the payment of premiums, insured persons obtain the insurer's guarantee to provide this financial compensation. They give up ownership of the premiums paid, and consequently, any claim to them. [ref. 144]

  • insurance benefit prestation d'assurance

    A health service whose utilization is covered by a health micro-insurance scheme, which undertakes to pay, in whole or in part, the expenses incurred in connection with the utilization of that service. This may refer to an individual health service, a cluster of health services, an episode of illness, a maternity case or a broader range of health services. [ref. 144]

  • insurance credits créditos de seguro, [FR: nd]

    The number of contributions or periods of service that have been paid on behalf of an insured person or credited to that person since his/her entry into the scheme. [ref. 8030]

  • intergenerational equity equidad intergeneracional, [FR: nd]

    Notion non-specifically requiring a "fair" disribution of "burdens" between generations. One example is the requirement that members of successive generations pay the same share of their disposable income during their active life in order to earn equal benefit entitlements (in terms of replacement rates). Usually regarded as an element of fairness in the (legal) design of pension schemes and long-term care schemes. [ref. 8030]

  • internal rules règlement intérieur

    A document establishing the rules and operating procedures of an association or mutual organization that all members agree to follow. The internal rules complement the statutes and enlarge upon their description. [ref. 144]

  • intrinsic value valor intrínseco, [FR: nd]

    Present value of all future net profits of a firm where the chosen discount rate is the rate of return required by an investor. [ref. 8030]