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  • salary scale escala salarial, barême des traitements

    Table of factors showing the evolution of the salary by age of an individual over his/her career. [ref. 8030]

  • scaled premium system sistema de prima escalonada, système de prime échelonnée

    Financial system for pensions under which contribution rates are increased throughout the life cycle of a pension scheme on a "step-by-step" basis (where the duration of the individual step is called the period of equilibrium). In practice the contribution rate is calculated for a defined period of years, often ranging from ten to 25 years, with the objective of equating , at the end of the period , the income from contributions and the investment income to expenditure on benefits and administration. [ref. 8030]

  • scheme (social security ~) régimen (~ de seguridad social), régime (~ de sécurité sociale)

    A distinct body of rules, supported by one or more institutional units (schemes are not themselves institutional units, as one institution may administer more than one scheme) governing the provision of social protection benefits and their financing. [ref. 6622]

  • scope (of a health facility) área de influencia (de un establecimiento de salud), aire d'attraction (d'une formation sanitaire)

    Refers to the persons actually served by a health facility. The scope or radius of a health facility is to be distinguished from its catchment area (or administrative area), within which it is responsible for administering curative, preventive and promotional health care.

    Example: In theory, a district health centre covers all the inhabitants of the villages and hamlets in the district. In practice, the inhabitants actually served by the centre make up only part of the total population of the district and/or sometimes extend beyond its limits, owing mainly to geographic factors and to users' perception of the health centre. [ref. 144]

  • secondary market mercado secundario, marché secondaire

    Market on which financial instruments are being traded after issuance on the primary market. In terms of turnover /capitalization the secondary market usually largely dominates the primary market. [ref. 8030]

  • self-employed person trabajador por cuenta propia, personne travaillant pour son propre compte

    Person who performs some work for profit or family gain (in cash or in-kind) but is not in paid employment. [ref. 6622]

  • short-term benefits prestaciones de corto plazo, prestations à court terme

    Types of benefit that are aimed at replacing earned income in case of a temporary loss of earnings resulting from sickness, maternity or unemployment. [ref. 6622]

    See also: long-term benefits

  • social accounting system (SAS) sistema de contabilidad social (SCS), [FR: nd]

    Methodologically consistent compilation of the revenues and expenditures of a country's social protection system. Used in social budgeting. [ILO,ISSA,630]

    See: European System of Integrated Protection Statistics (ESSPROS)

  • social assistance intervention line línea de intervención de la asistencia social, [FR: nd]

    Graphical presentation of the minimum income guaranteed by the State to each citizen through the social assistance scheme. Usually lower than the poverty line. [ref. 8030]

  • social control contrôle social

    An internal control mechanism arising from the existence of social relations between members.

    Example: The fact that members know each other and live in close proximity to one another helps to limit fraud and abuse, as well as to reduce the unjustified consumption of health care. [ILO-STEP, 144]

  • social expenditure gasto social, dépense(s) sociale(s)

    Cash and in-kind transfers paid by state or public organizations or agreed upon through collective bargaining on "social" grounds. Transfers include cash benefits such as pensions, employment injury benefits, short-term cash benefits (sickness and maternity benefits, unemployment benefits) as well as benefits in kind such as health services and basic social assistance. Tax exemptions for social reasons are usually considered part of social expenditure; however, estimating the amount of tax forgone is difficult. [ILO,ISSA,2004,8030].

  • social expenditure ratio (SER) ratio del gasto social (RGS), [FR: nd]

    Total social expenditure in a country expressed as a percentage of GDP. [ILO,ISSA,2004,8030].

  • social movement mouvement social

    An organized social group that carries out actions to benefit its members and society in general.

    Examples: Associations of individuals, trade unions, trade union federations, groupings, mutual organizations, cooperatives, etc. [réf. 144]

  • Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (SPER) Revisión del gasto y el desempeño de la protección social (SPER), Revue des dépenses et de la performance de la protection sociale (SPER)

    A report providing detailed information on the performance of a national social protection system as well as on the extent of coverage and exclusion from social protection. In an internationally comparable way, a SPER provides information about the structure and level of total social expenditure and establishes indicators of system performance with respect to its effectiveness , efficiency and the adequacy of benefit levels. [ref. 8030]

  • social protection floor piso de protección social, socle de protection sociale

    The “Social Protection Floor” (SPF) is a basic set of social rights, services and facilities that every person should enjoy.

    The United Nations suggests that a social protection floor could consist of two main elements that help to realize human rights:

    • services: geographical and financial access to essential services such as water and sanitation, health, and education;
    • transfers: a basic set of essential social transfers, in cash or in kind, to provide minimum income security and access to essential services, including health care. [Ref. 21960]
  • social security seguridad social, sécurité sociale

    The notion of social security covers all measures providing benefits, whether in cash or in kind, to secure protection, inter alia, from:

    • lack of work-related income (or insufficient income) caused by sickness, disability, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, old age, or death of a family member;
    • lack of access or unaffordable access to health care;
    • insufficient family support, particularly for children and adult dependants;
    • general poverty and social exclusion.

    Social security schemes can be of a contributory (social insurance) or non-contributory nature. [ref.23091]

  • social transfers transferencias sociales, transfert sociaux

    Social transfers represent a transfer from one group in a society to another (e.g. from the active age groups to the old) either in cash or in kind (access to goods and social services). The recipients qualify because they have earned entitlements through fulfilling obligations (e.g. paying contributions) and/or meeting certain social or behavioural conditions (e.g. being sick; being poor; carrying out public works). In recent years, this term has been used to describe schemes for all residents that provide benefits under the single condition of residence (universal cash transfers) or social assistance schemes that require additional behavioural conditions as prerequisites (conditional cash transfers). [ref.23091]

  • socially responsible investment (SRI) inversión socialmente responsable (ISR), [FR: nd]

    Financial investment where social, environmental and/or ethical considerations are taken into account in the selection, retention and realization of investment, and the responsible use of rights (such as voting rights) attaching to investments. [ILO,ISSA,2004,8030].

  • specialist treatment soins spécialisés

    Consultations with specialist physicians (gynaecologists, paediatricians, surgeons, etc.) and technical medical procedures (X-rays, clinical biology, etc.). [ILO-STEP, 144]

    Synonym: specialist service

  • speciality (item) spécialité

    See: Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review

  • standards normes

    Standards either take the form of Conventions or Recommendations and cover all areas that concern the objectives of the ILO. Conventions are designed with a view to being ratified. Hence, when an ILO Member state ratifies a Convention, it becomes subject to legally binding international obligations. While Recommendations are not open for ratification, they specify general or technical guidelines and often supplement corresponding Conventions. Standards therefore serve as globally backed guidelines for national social policies. When ratified, they also prevent countries from going backwards, or losing what has already been achieved

  • statutes statuts

    A reference document describing, in particular, the aim and organization of the health micro-insurance scheme, and the relationship between the various internal bodies and their functions. Once approved by the competent authorities, the statutes confer a legally recognized juridical personality upon the scheme. Moreover, they determine the rhythm of its activities, such as the frequency with which general assemblies are held, annual reports and financial statements are submitted and approved and officials stand for re-election, etc. Depending upon the legal nature of the scheme, they may also lay down the rights and obligations of members (in the case of mutual organizations) or of shareholders (in the case of commercial insurance companies). [ILO-STEP, 144]

  • statutory social security schemes régimes légaux de sécurité sociale

    Compulsory social insurance schemes as well as tax-financed social protection schemes administered by national/regional or local authorities

  • steering committee comité de pilotage

    The team responsible for determining the strategic and technical guidelines of a project and monitoring its progress. [BIT-STEP, 144]

  • stochastic model [ES: nd], modèle stochastique

    A mathematical model in which the representation of a given phenomenon is expressed in terms of probabilities. The stochastic model is used to derive an estimate of the expected value of a random variable and a confidence interval for this variable. [ref. 776]

    See also: deterministic model

  • stock exchange bolsa de valores, bourse

    A formal financial market most prominently trading equity (shares) and other financial instruments issued by companies. [ILO,ISSA,2004,8030].

  • supervisory committee comité de surveillance

    The supervisory body of a health micro-insurance scheme responsible for overseeing the scheme's administration and compliance with procedures, as well as for reporting on these matters to other bodies within the scheme.

    Note: Oversight may also be carried out by an external body: commissioner of audits, external auditor, etc. [ILO-STEP, 144]

  • supplementary health insurance assurance santé complémentaire

    An optional scheme that assumes responsibility for health expenses not covered by social security schemes. Supplementary health insurance is organized at private initiative, most often by a mutual organization or insurance company. [ref. 144]

  • supplementary schemes regímenes complementarios, prestations complémentaires

    Social protection schemes that top up cash benefits granted by the basic scheme, or extend the coverage of the basic scheme, or replace the basic scheme where conditions for entitlement to the basic scheme are not fulfilled. [ILO,694].

  • surplus excédent

    The difference between income and expenditure for a particular accounting period when income exceeds expenditure. Depending upon legislation and the legal status of the organization, other terms, such as "profit" or "earnings", may be used. [ILO-STEP, 144]

  • system dependency ratio ratio de dependencia del sistema, [FR: nd]

    Ratio defined as the number of beneficiaries over the number of employed contributors in a given system.In pension schemes especially this ratio must not be confused with the old-age dependency ratio calculated on overall population developments (see demographic ratio). System dependency ratios and population-based dependency ratios may differ significantly. [ILO,ISSA,2004,8030]