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observation period
See: waiting period
old-age dependency ratio
ratio de dependencia de la vejez,
[FR: nd]
See: demographic ratio
ongoing claim
demande de prestation en cours
See: claim
out-of-pocket payment
gasto de bolsillo,
paiement direct par le patient
Fee paid by the consumer of health services directly to the provider at the time of delivery. Payments borne directly by the patient. [wd]
outpatient care
soins ambulatoires
Treatment provided in a hospital or clinic, but without involving hospitalization of the patient. The patient returns home after receiving treatment. [ref. 144]
Synonym: outpatient treatment -
Output consists (only) of those goods and services produced within an establishment that become available for use outside that establishment. This includes output of goods and services produced for own final use (own-account agricultural production, own-account capital formation, etc.). The output of the whole economy is equal to the sum of the outputs of its establishments. Output is measured at basic prices or, if these are not available, at producers' prices. [ref. 8022, see note]