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It is a formal procedure whereby a state accepts the convention as a legally binding instrument and engages itself to make it part of its own domestic law, and to implement it as such. [wt]
[FR: nd]
A person resuming payment of contributions to a scheme after a break. [ref. 8030]
recognition bond
bono de reconocimiento,
bon de reconnaissance
A government-issued bond recognizing the rights acquired by an individual contributor under a social security scheme that has been closed or transformed. Recognition bonds have been used to finance the transition costs of changing a defined-benefit PAYG social security pension scheme into a funded defined-contribution scheme. The bond value depends on the provisions of the closed scheme and the interest rate applied . Liquidation of the bond usually takes place on the date of retirement. [ref. 8030]
reference earnings
ingreso de referencia,
salaire de référence
Earnings specified by definition and amount , used in benefit formulae. Reference earnings usually refer to the average earnings over a specified period preceding the payment of the benefit. [ref. 8030]
Benefit covering the actual cost of a good or service. Requires recipients to show evidence of expenditure (e.g. funeral costs, home care costs). [ref. 6622]
reimbursement of expenditures
reembolsos de los gastos,
remboursement des dépenses
Always considered as in-kind benefit. Furthermore, any cash payment which is not made directly to the protected person or to a dependant of a protected person is considered as in-kind benefit (e.g. payment to health care providers). [ref. 6622]
A mechanism through which an insurer obtains insurance from a third party (the reinsurer) for all or a part of the risks it has undertaken to cover, in exchange for the payment of a premium. The contract concluded between an insurer and a reinsurer is called a reinsurance contract and may be thought of as the insurer's insurance coverage, or second-degree insurance. Reinsurance allows for the diversification of risks and their redistribution over a broader base, thereby reducing the insurer's risk of bankruptcy. [ref. 144]
replacement rate
tasa de sustitución,
taux de remplacement
Ratio of the amount of a (average/individual) benefit in period t to the (average/individual) amount of the insurable earnings in the same or any other suitably chosen period. The rate may be calculated gross or net of taxation.[ref. 8030]
reporting period
período del informe,
période de référence
A period of 12 months for which data are reported. This could either be a calendar year or, where this is not possible, another period such as a fiscal year. [ref. 6622]
representative sample
échantillon représentatif
A group of persons belonging to a segment of the population that displays the same characteristics as the overall population: same proportion of men and women and the same proportion of young, elderly, actively employed and unemployed persons, etc. The size of the representative sample must conform to minimum requirements, which depend upon the size of the target population and its homogeneity. [ref. 144]
reservation wage
salario de reserva,
salaire de réservation
The lowest amount of wages at which a benefit recipient is ready to give up his/her benefit and return to work. [ref. 8030]
Net result of the accumulation of contributions, plus investment earnings, plus other revenue, less benefit payments, less administrative expenses, less other expenditure, under a scheme. [ref. 8030]
reserve fund
fonds de réserve
Own capital accumulated by the health micro-insurance scheme to meet future expenses, particularly those arising from unforeseen circumstances. The level of such funds is usually subject to regulatory provisions. [ref. 144]
Synonym: reserves -
reserve ratio
ratio de reservas,
coefficient (taux) de réserves obligatoires
Ratio of the reserve at a given date to the amount of expenditure of a scheme during the previous period. [ref. 8030]
See: reserve fund
Refers to the probability that an uncertain event will occur, and, by extension, to an uncertain event that, when it does occur, may have adverse financial consequences. This is why individuals seek insurance against the financial consequences of certain risks. Insurance cannot prevent risks from occurring, but it can reduce their financial impact. The main social risks are sickness, disability, old age, unemployment, death, etc. [ref. 144]
risk management
An approach that consists of taking certain precautionary measures and organizing oneself in order to deal with the future occurrence of a risk.
Example: Stocking food supplies in anticipation of a drought or a shortage, saving for a wedding, etc. [ref. 144] -
risk of over-prescription
risque de surprescription
A phenomenon according to which health providers adjust their prescriptions to correspond to patients' maximum level of coverage, without opposition from patients, given the fact that the latter know they are covered. Health providers may have a tendency to prescribe more medicines than necessary, lengthen hospital stays, systematically use diagnostic services, such as laboratory tests, X-rays, etc. [ref. 144]
risk pooling
mutualisation du risque
The principle according to which the financial consequences of individual risks are not borne by each individual but by an entire group. Risk pooling refers to the sharing of risks, which is the basic premise underlying insurance mechanisms. [ref. 144]
risk portfolio
portefeuille de risques
The whole group of covered persons, whose individual levels of coverage and consumption of health services vary from one person to the next and represent costs for the scheme. Schemes must ensure that their risk portfolio is well-balanced, that is, that the presence of high risks (persons who consume more health services than the average) is compensated by low risks (persons who consume fewer health services than the average). [ref. 144]
risk selection
sélection de risques
A measure or a set of measures that consist of giving priority to persons who represent a low risk of illness and excluding those with a high risk of illness. Risk selection may be practiced by certain insurers, particularly when they are unable to set rates that reflect individual risks.
Example: When an insurer establishes an age limit on enrolment or when it excludes members who have reached a certain age, it is practising risk selection.
Within the context of a capitation system (see global payment) some providers may have a tendency to give priority, in terms of treatment, to patients who represent a low risk of illness, who they know will not consume excessive amounts of health care, and to discourage those who represent a high risk. Health micro-insurance schemes must, of course, see to it that such practices do not arise. [ref. 144] -
risk-free asset
activo libre de riesgos,
[FR: nd]
In theory , an asset that is guaranteed a rate of return.In practice, short-term government bonds are often considered risk-free. [ref. 8030]