Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

MWI Output 2.3: Increased technical, leadership and transformation capacity of implementers of non-contributory social protection programmes to manage and implement non-contributory social protection programs through exposure to TRANSFORM training curriculum and other ITC-ILO training opportunities

Malawi Africa 15.03.2021


From Annual Report 2020

The condensed 2-day programme for Senior Policy-makers was thoroughly revised and piloted in Malawi. 21 District Commissioners – the highest level authorities at sub-national level – completed the training successfully and provided positive feedback on its relevance. The training provided key advocacy message to highlight the importance of each component of a functioning social protection system (communication, M&E, MIS etc.) so as to equip District Commissioners with the right information and knowledge to support officials at operational level. The revised 2-day programmes is now being finalised and it’s planned to be utilised further both in Zambia and Tanzania;

Academia and staff from Government training institutes in both Zambia and Malawi as well as Tanzania have been invited to participate in a dedicated run of E-Transform (online TRANSFORM course) for national and regional training institutes. The purpose was to provide an in-depth overview to key academic and managerial staff so as to encourage consideration for adaptation and/or integration within standard training programmes. Staff Members of University of Zambia, Magomero College in Malawi and Institute of Financial Management have all completed the course. Follow up on institutionalisation is ongoing through relevant country offices staff.
