Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI


Project properties


The programme will focus on the two areas of social protection and employment through public investment. The goal is that national governments use appropriate, well designed and well managed social protection measures and employment promoting approaches to the delivery of public investments in order to promote resilience, access to services and employment opportunities for poor and vulnerable people, contributing to inclusive economic growth.

Level components



  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
  • 10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality


21.12.2016 - 30.06.2024


5 272 382 / 5 272 382 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

48 RAF/17/53/IRL 12 21 2016 06 30 2024
01 01 2014 12 31 2016 RAF/13/04/IRL Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa 172
02 01 2016 03 31 2019 ZMB/15/04/CEF United Nations Joint Programme to support Zambia's National Social Protection Policy 107
09 01 2016 08 31 2017 MWI/16/01/FAO Cost benefit analysis of alternative agriculture and social protection policy options in Malawi 87
12 20 2016 06 30 2024 VNM/16/54/IRL Viet Nam - Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs 79
12 20 2016 12 31 2022 GLO/16/63/IRL Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs 80
05 15 2017 12 31 2020 MOZ/17/03/CEF Contribution to improved quality of social protection and social welfare services 65
09 01 2017 03 31 2025 MOZ/17/04/CEF ONE UN Joint Programme on Social Protection in Mozambique 45
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Zambia - Creation and extension of Social Protection floors for for target populations, including extension of coverage to the informal economy (country programme 2018-19) 788
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Malawi - Enhanced and extended coverage of social protection to vulnerable groups (country programme 2018-19) 794
01 01 2019 07 31 2022 MOZ/19/50/PRT ACTION/Portugal (Phase 2): Strengthening of Social Protection Systems in Mozambique 415
08 21 2019 12 31 2024 ZMB/19/01/CEF United Nations Joint Programme on Social Protection in Zambia “UNJPSP-II” 657
11 05 2019 12 31 2020 MWI/19/01/DEU Transform Malawi District Rollout – Phase 1 685
11 26 2019 12 31 2020 MWI/19/02/IRL Malawi’s Social Support MIS and ICT Assessment 681
12 05 2022 12 31 2025 GLO/22/31/IRL Accelerating the Achievement of Universal Social Protection to Leave No One Behind 921

Espaces de travail


RAF/17/53/IRL Afrique Malawi , Mozambique , République-Unie De Tanzanie , Zambie services de l'emploi , prestations familiales , soins de santé , sécurité de revenu , protection sociale de la santé , enfants , travailleurs de l'économie informelle , travailleurs migrants , travailleurs ruraux , travailleurs indépendants , analyse d'impact , suivi/évaluation , statistiques , Digital transformation , administration , sensibilisation / plaidoyer , renforcement des capacités , politique de l'emploi , financement , normes de l'OIT , législation , contrôle / surveillance , dialogue social , invalidité , maternité , accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles , vieillesse , maladie , survivants , chômage